Gulab Jamun is the very very popular result in India . It is the very easier recipe.
Usually we will prepare sweet varieties for all types of functions. This time I have an idea to prepare jamun for my birthday day celebration.
It is one of the favorite desserts for me. Ok let’s go into the preparation.
MTR Jamoon Mix – 250g
Water – 1litre
Sugar – 750g
Cardamom Powder – 6 tbsp
Ghee – For frying
Rose Essence is optional
Method of Dough:
- In an empty vessel, put the MTR jamun mix and add 2 tbsp of ghee and mix them well.
- Pour water slowly and make the dough without lumps.
- Now the dough becomes very soft.
- Allow the dough to stay for 5 to 10 mintues.
- Now apply ghee into your hands and make small balls.
Method of Sugar Syrup:
- For 250g MTR mix powder, pour 1 litre of water in a vessel and add 750g of sugar.
- If you want more syrup than this, then you can add water and sugar as you want.
- Heat them for half an hour. At the end, put the cardamom power.
- If you want rose essence and saffron essence you can add now.
- Make the essence to be thick so that the syrup will easily get into the jamun.
- At last, you can add the rose essence, if you want.
Method of Gulab jamun:
- Heat the pan and pour the ghee.
- Put the jamoon balls one by one .
- Let it has to comes like dark brownish colour.
- Keep it aside. It has to be some what cool.
- After it becomes cool, you can put into the sugar syrup one by one.
- Soak the fried jamun in hot sugar syrup.
- Gulab jamun is ready to eat.
-Atlast if you want you can put small small badam pieces into the each jamun.
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